A pharmaceutical developer’s wastewater system was experiencing flow issues caused by the collection of struvite scale deposits. The system consisted of over 1,000 feet of 8” pipe containing 2,640 gallons along with transfer pumps which normally provide flow rates of 300 gallons per minute. However, the struvite had become so severe that the pumps were restricted to just 60 GPM or 20% of their design capabilities.


Their solution came in 8 totes of RYDLYME Biodegradable Descaler. A circulation loop was established to pump the 2,640 gallons through the system and dissolve the struvite deposits. Given just 8 hours at 100% concentration, the RYDLYME had completed the cleaning and was flushed from the system. The pumps were turned on and immediately achieved 300 GPM! The facility has already updated its preventative maintenance program and implemented semi-annual RYDLYME cleanings to avoid this problem in the future.


CHALLENGE: A pharmaceutical developer’s wastewater system was experiencing flow issues caused by the collection of struvite scale deposits. The flow was restricted from 300 GPM to 60 GPM. Only 20% of the design!
SOLUTION: Utilizing 8 totes of RYDLYME Biodegradable Descaler. A circulation loop was established to pump the 2,640 gallons through the system and dissolve the struvite deposits.
RESULTS: Given just 8 hours at 100% concentration, the RYDLYME had completed the cleaning and was flushed from the system. Flow rates returned to normal. Semi-annual RYDLYME cleanings are scheduled!